Easter Sunday Highlights

It’s the Monday after.  Hope is restored.  Lives are changed.

Easter never gets old.  God’s story of redemption is still amazingly powerful.  We had an incredible weekend at all of our campuses.


3 Words that Changed Everything by Pete Wilson

Easter is about remembering and worshiping the only hope capable of sustaining a human life through everything.

Underneath your Easter clothes many of you are just broken.

The Easter story starts with shattered dreams.

Luke 23:44-49

When life isn’t happening the way we assumed it would happen we feel like God is abandoning us.  That is likely how Jesus followers felt.

We have to base our faith on God’s identity rather than God’s activity.

We have to base our faith on His promises, not our predicament.

Luke 24:1-6

This is the hope that has held believers together for over 2000 years.

Because of those three words: He Is Risen!, hope was restored.

Romans 6:4

We don’t gather together to celebrate a holiday, we gather together to celebrate that over 2000 years ago, he changed everything.

Because Christ is risen:

1)  There is forgiveness for your past.

  • Unresolved guilt will destroy you.
  • Romans 5:6,8
  • No one has ever drifted so far from God that He can’t reach them through the cross of Jesus Christ.

Good Enough Plan – you hope that your good out-weighs your bad in the end; it only leads to guilt because you’re not good enough

Comparison Plan – you compare yourself to others until you find someone that you are better than; you become a small-hearted, legalistic, bitter person

Grace Plan – you realize you’re not good enough and no one else is good enough except for Jesus Christ

2)  There is hope for your future.

  • You can have hope even though there is no circumstantial reason to have hope.
  • When God shows up at your tomb, He brings life.

**Photos courtesy of Danny Bates

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