The Blessing of the Unpredictable

I like routine.  I like creating a plan and following it to a tee.  I like predictable.

Or at least that’s what I let myself believe.

The problem with predictable is that what’s known is often overwhelming and demotivating.  Monotony and routine become boring and lifeless.

I like to consider myself a runner.  I’m not an extreme runner but I run three days a week for good health and fitness.  Once a week is my long run for extra conditioning but most importantly for extra time to disconnect.  But on those long runs I can get overwhelmed by constantly thinking about how far I still have to go.  I’m constantly trying to find ways to change it up and make it less predictable:

  • I’ll change the route to one that I haven’t memorized every house, irritated dog, crack in the pavement and every mile marker.
  • I’ll bring my ipod so that I can listen to my favorite songs or podcasts
  • Somedays I’ll even choose “shuffle all songs” so I have no idea what’s coming next (really living on the edge)

The blessing of the unpredictable makes life more interesting and sometimes just more bearable.  I’ll forget significant portions of my run when I get lost enjoying the beauty of some wildflowers or listen to the lyrics of a song.

The same is true in our lives.  Too often we try to control, plan, predict and orchestrate too much.  Sometimes we have to learn to allow for the unpredictable –  To not be afraid of the risk, adventure or leap of faith.

Instead of trying to control all the outcomes, learn to let go a bit and enjoy the unexpected.

It makes for a much more enjoyable journey!

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  • Hilary May 2, 2012  

    I’m laughing at the part about shuffling your songs and really living on the edge… So true! Thanks for the good encouragement today. 🙂

  • Charissa Steyn May 2, 2012  

    Mmmm so challenging! I love talking, writing, and speaking about adventure, but when it gets right down to it, it’s so DIFFICULT to live out! But God is so gentle and gracious with us…leading us out into the deep waters slowly 🙂

  • Margaret Feinberg May 4, 2012  

    haha- I, too, like the picture of the shuffled ipod 🙂 I wonder what the world would look like if we all let go a little and lived life a little more unpredictably?