Upgrade to a Culture Matters Book Bundle Today Before Time Runs Out!

Order multiple copies of Culture Matters and gain access to exclusive content and services from author Jenni Catron and her team.

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Culture Champion Bundle

Unlimited quantity available

☑️ Lifetime access to the Culture Matters Summit (5 registrations – $395 value)

☑️ Get started today with Phase 1 of the LeadCulture Framework ($26 value)

☑️ Lifetime access to the LeadCulture Values Course ($248 value)

☑️ 5 hardcover copies of the brand new book Culture Matters ($130 value)

Retail Value $799

Yours For $197

LeadCulture Group Bundle

Unlimited quantity available

☑️ Lifetime access to the Culture Matters Summit (10 registrations – $790 value)

☑️ Get started today with Phase 1 of the LeadCulture Framework ($26 value)

☑️ Lifetime access to the LeadCulture Values Course ($248 value)

☑️ 25 hardcover copies of the brand new book Culture Matters ($650 value)

☑️ LeadCulture Group Coaching Access for 6 months beginning Spring 2025 ($1200 value)

☑️ Customized culture survey for your staff ($1500 value)

Retail Value $4,414

Yours For $1,597

LeadCulture Private Training Bundle

Only 50 available

☑️ Lifetime access to the Culture Matters Summit (25 registrations – $1975 value)

☑️ Get started today with Phase 1 of the LeadCulture Framework ($26 value)

☑️ Lifetime access to the LeadCulture Values Course ($248 value)

☑️ 50 hardcover copies of the brand new book Culture Matters ($1300 value)

☑️ LeadCulture Group Coaching Access for 6 months beginning Spring 2025 ($1200 value)

☑️ Customized culture survey for your staff ($1500 value)

☑️ 1 hour Private Life Online Training with Jenni Catron ($5000 value)

Retail Value $11,249

Yours For $3,997

LeadCulture Workshop Bundle

Only 25 available

☑️ Lifetime access to the Culture Matters Summit (50 registrations – $3950 value)

☑️ Get started today with Phase 1 of the LeadCulture Framework ($26 value)

☑️ Lifetime access to the LeadCulture Values Course ($248 value)

☑️ 75 hardcover copies of the brand new book Culture Matters ($1950 value)

☑️ LeadCulture Group Coaching Access for 6 months beginning Spring 2025 ($1200 value)

☑️ Customized culture survey for your staff ($1500 value)

☑️ 2 Day LeadCulture Workshop facilitated by a LeadCulture Certified Coach ($9,000 value)

Retail Value $17,874

Yours For $9,997