This practice of reading through the gospels is so good. With each red letter I’m seeking to know Jesus just a bit more. What was his tone, his demeanor? What did his eyes convey as he spoke? What emotion did he evoke as he taught or corrected? For as wonderful as the words are, I […]
One of the things I love about Margaret Feinberg is that she is always looking for ways to connect us more with Jesus. The way she lives out her faith and seeks after her Savior inspires me. Today she is kicking off the #LentChallenge. A 40 day journey to read through the New Testament in […]
“The key is being willing to do something because it matters, not because it will get you noticed.” John Maxwell from The 360 Degree Leader What’s your motive for leadership? I’ll admit.. I easily fall into the trap of desiring leadership because I want the attention and the accolades that I perceive come with it. […]
For years I was confused about Lent. Growing up in the mid-west I was surrounded by Catholics who faithfully ate fish on Friday. But all of the dots weren’t connected for me. I didn’t understand the significance of the sacrifice that marks the season of Lent. Quite simply Lent “is the moment in the church […]
Fifth grade track meet. I was a favorite for the 100 meter sprint. The crowd was exhilarating! A whopping twenty or so parents piled on the flimsy metal bleachers on the sidelines of our makeshift track. But this was my moment. I could feel it. I bolted off the line and pushed every ounce of […]
I haven’t left many jobs in my life thus far. I commit to jobs like I commit to relationships – selectively and with the intention of forever. But jobs are rarely meant to be forever. They change with seasons. The winds have changed and it’s time to move on, and I’m trying to move on […]
I haven’t left many jobs in my life thus far. I commit to jobs like I commit to relationships – selectively and with the intention of forever. But jobs are rarely meant to be forever. They change with seasons. The winds have changed and it’s time to move on, and I’m trying to move on […]
THIS GIVEAWAY HAS ENDED. Congrats to Rebecca Hamlin for winning a copy of Restless. ————————————————————– A relaxed, quiet dinner between friends. We just met but it didn’t discount the fact that “friends” was a safe and appropriate word for how we felt about one another after leaving the table that night. We shared our stories, […]
Torn. Terrified. Confident. The markings of a leap of faith. Torn between two equally great opportunities. Terrified of the unknown. Confident in God’s direction. This has been my life for the last few months. It’s been awhile since God has asked me to leap like this. I’d grown comfortable with my calling. Sure, I was […]
On January 21st, I have the privilege of releasing my next book, CLOUT: Discover and Unleash Your God-Given Influence! CLOUT is my heart message and I really truly hope that the words in these pages somehow speak to a generation of leaders who need hope and clarity for where and how God wants to use […]