Sunday Highlights

I don’t have a lot of extra commentary for you today.  I’m still wrestling with my place in multi-site ministry now with four campuses.  Some days I feel like I’m needed everywhere and other days I feel like I’m needed nowhere.  Kinda messes with me.

Pete’s message kicked my butt, though.  Read at your own risk.  🙂

DNA – Irrevocably Committed by Pete Wilson

We’re not here to play church.

We did not start this church because Nashville needed another church.  We started this church because we believed God was calling us to start something unique.

Genesis 2:15-25

We were created to take care of stuff.

You were created with a capacity for deep connectedness.

Adam and Eve had nothing to hide.

John 13:34

Trying not to sin doesn’t guarantee I will love more.  However, loving others will always result in less sinning.

Biblical Community is:

Intentionally intrusive.

  • I celebrate you without reservation.  I look at your strengths and I celebrate them.  I’m not threatened by them.  We have a unique power to call out the best in each other.
  • Criticism is the most cowardly form of self-praise.
  • Speak the truth in love.  We surround ourselves with convenient relationships that aren’t true community because truth is not spoken.

Christ Centered.

  • Galatians 3:26-29

Grace Driven.

  • Romans 15:7
  • We have been receivers of God’s grace.  Now we want to become agents of God’s grace.

Barriers to Biblical Community:

Overwhelming busyness. Our culture values busyness over connectedness.  You’ve bought into the lie that you are not valuable unless you are busy.

Underwhelming intention.  We just don’t try.

I John 4:20-21

Hebrews 10:24-25


Which barrier to Biblical community do you most wrestle with?

Need I even answer?  I’m sure you know mine – overwhelming busyness. (sigh)

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  • Morgan August 23, 2010  

    We discussed this in our "smaller" Stretch groups last night and we were pretty split down the middle with busyness and intention. Mine is busyness. I think some of my problem goes back to the Be Rich series and not margining my time effectively. The time IS there for community and the rest of my life. I've proven it and here lately I've been letting it slip and need to recommit. I have a problem with saying "no" to the things that don't spiritually enrich me.

    I loved Pete's sermon yesterday! It was kind of that gentle butt kicking that we need when we get comfortable in where we are on our journey. Community is a challenge that should be embraced and nurtured to keep our relationship with Christ from going stale.

    BTW, in our Discovering CP class yesterday your video wouldn't work. Bummed because Blake said you had some really great thiings to say!!

    • jcatron August 23, 2010  

      Love to hear how God is working in your life, Morgan!

  • Kristil August 23, 2010  

    I think both busyness and intention have been my struggle.

    I found out about Cross Point in an amazing way (a true thunderbolt God moment in my life) back in March and it took until April before I made myself get up one Sunday morning, ignoring the list of reasons ticking off in my head that made me too busy, too tired, too afraid to get dressed and make the drive across town to attend.

    I am so glad I did as that one moment has meant the start of great changes in my life and attitude. Joining a small group was huge for me. I had almost become reclusive except for going to work and coming home. Going to the grocery store was the most social activity I had.

    I have loved getting to know the people in the group and look forward to continuing this time. I am also looking at other groups to join to stretch my since of community. I am struggling hard with community and reaching out to others, but I reveal in the idea that I can become more connected. I did something after service on Sunday that was quite foreign (and nervy) for me. I milled around the lobby and saw a man looking at a Plan B book and having just started reading it myself, struck up a conversation and introduced myself. Now I have someone else in the crowd of faces that I know by name. This too was huge for me!

    So much love at Cross Point, so much caring. I look forward in my continued efforts to not only be a fan and a follower, but an agent of Christ.

    • jcatron August 23, 2010  

      Kristil – so glad that you are connecting and being intentional to do it. Sounds like God is up to some cool things in your life. So thankful you are a part of this place!!