For those of you in full-time church ministry, you likely are experiencing a bit of an Easter hangover. Easter weekend included additional services, increased attendance, extra events, more production – every aspect of ministry was in overdrive for the biggest weekend of the church calendar. Now what? Frankly, you and your team are tired. You’ve been […]
Success is harder than it’s ever been and actually easier than it’s ever been. I’m not sure I’ve met a person who doesn’t want to succeed. We might want to succeed at different things but whatever your standard of success may be, you’re desperate to achieve. And yet many of us live with a gnawing […]
I spend a lot of time on airplanes these days. I love getting to work with amazing organizations across the country but that inevitably means hours and hours in airports. All these miles I’ve logged have afforded me the opportunity to have “status” on most airlines. I thoroughly enjoy the perks of better seats and […]
I’m excited to share a guest post today from Robert Dickie. Robert is the President of Crown and the author of the author of Love Your Work: 4 Practical Ways You Can Pivot to Your Best Career. I’ve been in the military and the business world in various forms of leadership for the past […]
I was recently talking with a new client in preparation for our first consulting visit. This was a routine call that I typically do with the leader to ask some basic questions about how they interact with their team. It’s a quick way for me to get insight to how the leader leads and how […]
Character Perseverance Fierce conviction Resilience Sacrifice This day as we honor the life and leadership of Martin Luther King Jr, his words remind me of the significance and sacrifice of leadership. History is the greatest tell of true leadership. Leadership is not a life of comfort and convenience. The measure of our leadership is defined […]
Recently I was pursuing an opportunity that I was really excited about. Not only was it something that I would enjoy, but also it would enable me to be closer to my family and be helpful to the future of The 4Sight Group. I started out cautiously optimist and with each step it seemed that […]
Happy New Year! If there is one thing I’m passionate about this year it is seeing leader’s lead from their extraordinary best! If there is anything that 2016 reinforced, it’s that we need extraordinary leadership perhaps more than ever! Leaders, we have a sacred call. Because of our influence we have the power to affect […]
Well, it’s here. The end of the year. One of my favorite things to do each year is to review the list of books that I’ve read. [Note: I keep a reading log throughout the year to keep track of everything I’ve read.] I’m fascinated by how books shape me and how certain books provide […]
2017 Coaching Group for Women Leaders with Jenni Catron and Jeanne Stevens Do you ever free frustrated with the complexity you face as a leader? Do you struggle with loneliness and isolation because you’re the only female in your leadership circle? Do you sometimes feel inadequate because of the challenges of leadership? Trust us, […]