Cross Point Board of Directors

Every Thursday morning for the past several weeks I have been attending the Young Leaders Council class.  This is an organization in Nashville that trains and develops leaders for non-profit boards.  It’s a great program that I am excited to be a part of.  The information that I have been learning has been really helpful to me as I work with our Board of Directors at Cross Point.  We have a great group of leaders on our Board who are committed to managing the financial and legal details of our church.  We are blessed to have a group of men of integrity who take this responsibility very seriously.  Do you know our board members?

Rod Strickland (treasurer)

Chuck Smouse (secretary)

Maurilio Amorim

Jimmy Holt

Fred Stephenson

Tony Carletello

Thank you guys for all you do.  I’m honored to serve with you!

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  • Chuck Smouse February 8, 2008  

    Hey CP members & visitors,

    My name is Chuck Smouse, and I’ve recently been appointed to the Board of Directors.

    My wife Laura and I moved to Nashville (from Memphis) about 5 years ago, and we started attending CP soon after that. CP was still meeting over at Gower then, and we only had the 9:00am and 10:30am services (my how things have changed). We visited about 10 different churches before we found CP.

    We now have added twins to our family, Caden & Isabella, who will turn 21 months old on the 10th. Life is stressfully great.

    We’ve both served in a lot of different ways at CP — community groups (leading and attending), volunteering on Sundays, and volunteering on projects. We’ve grown thru the process of being connected, regardless of the specific volunteer opportunity.

    I’m extremely honored to be part of the Board and can’t wait to see what the future holds.

    Pls stop me in the hallway or lobby if you have any questions, comments or concerns. I’ll be the one chasing a toddler in one direction while my wife chases the other one in the opposite direction.

  • Rod Strickland February 11, 2008  

    Fellow CP members & visitors,

    My name is Rod Strickland. I’ve been on the Board and served as Treasurer for Cross Point since…well, since there was a Cross Point!

    My wife, Julie, and I were part of the core group of members who some five years back shared Pastor Pete’s vision and God’s calling to start a community of believers that would be radically devoted to Christ, irrevocably committed to one another, and relentlessly dedicated to reaching those outside of God’s family with the Gospel of Christ. We’ve come a long way since those first few meetings in the Bellevue Community Center. It’s amazing what can happen when you step out in faith and trust God to pull off the impossible!

    The best way to find me is to make your way down to the gym on Sunday morning and catch the KidStuff service (10:10 am). I serve there with the music team, the set-up team, the backstage team, pretty much anywhere I’m needed. Julie (the KidStuff director) and I share a passion for making worship a fun experience that kids and their parents can share together.

    I welcome the opportunity to answer questions that you may have about Cross Point’s finances or about the KidStuff ministry. Stop by KidStuff or e-mail me at

  • Brandi February 12, 2008  

    I consider our church blessed to have board members who are so willing to make themselves available to anyone and everyone at Cross Point. Thank you board members for serving so unselfishly!

  • Jessica Turner February 16, 2008  

    I just was accepted to Young Leaders Council! I start in March and am really looking forward to it. I am glad it was a positive experience for you. We need to connect… I just started reading your blog and we have a lot of similarities! 🙂

  • Ooyddkul December 13, 2008  
