Thank you
So, I have been overwhelmed by the comments and responses to Pete’s blog yesterday about women finding their voice. Thank you Pete for your support and encouragement and thank you to those of you who posted a kind comment about me or told me so personally.
Women in leadership has been a passion of mine since I can remember. I have such a desire to see women honor God with their gifts of leadership. Unfortunately I have personally seen many women in leadership or roles of authority who were far from God-honoring in my opinion. My passion is to do whatever I can to encourage women who share my leadership passion to live it out with purpose. One of my hopes for this blog is that it will become a place for leaders, particularly women in leadership, to connect. Over the last 10 years of my career I have kept a journal of my leadership observations, the good and the bad, of myself and those around me. I reflect on these nuggets often for inspiration and sometimes just a good kick in the pants! I’ll begin sharing these over the next several weeks and I hope that you will find a nugget that inspires and motivates you too.
If you are a women in leadership or if you know of a women in leadership, I want to hear from you.
Thanks for your comment on Gifted for Leadership. From Pete’s blog and the comments posted there, you are a great illustration of the point I was making.
I would also like to invite you to join us at the Synergy2008 Conference in Orlando. This is not your typical women’s conference, but a professional gathering of women in (or preparing for) vocational ministry. We are drawing women leaders from all over the country–seminaries, churches, ministry organizations to refuel spiritually, support one another, and collaborate on the issues and opportunities before us. We’re exploring ways to serve God more effectively with our Christian brothers.
Gifted for Leadership has just come on board as a co-sponsor of these conferences.
Check out our website at We’d love to have you join us!
Jenni – I am really looking forward to your ‘nuggets’. I often tell people that you are one of the most fabulous leaders I know…not because of being a woman but because of your heart. I love how you see things and express things.
Jenni – you’re an inspiration to all leaders – men and women. I admire and respect your voice in ministry because you’re honest, authentic, intentional, relational, hardworking and you do it all with integrity, and character. I deeply appreciat your obedience and passion to train other women in ministry, too. You’re a selfless leader because you serve first! And, I know all of this first hand. Thanks!