Turn off the Noise
Tonight in small group we talked about The Mystery of the Holy Spirit from the study Canvas: Mystery. (If you click on this link it will take you to the product page of this study. If you click the preview video it is the video about the Holy Spirit that we watched in our group.)
I needed this discussion tonight. The questions centered around how we allow all the other voices in our lives to drown out the Holy Spirit. I don’t know how to be still and to purposefully listen.
How do you turn off the noise in your life to hear God’s voice?
Hi, Jenni,
Thanks for the video link–really good. It is incredibly difficult to “be still” in our culture, especially when you have so many obligations to family, friends and church. I try to “schedule” a break everyday and go outside to the “Galleria Gardens” and take a stroll by myself and talk to the Lord. Being out in God’s great creation always helps me focus on Him. Although, making Bible study a regular habit helps to discern God’s voice from the others when you can’t be still. Of course, I don’t always like what I hear from the Holy Spirit so am guilty of choosing the wrong voice. Will I never learn?!?!?!
May you “run and not grow weary” this weekend!
ugh. usually its in the middle of the night these days.
i used to go sit on the beach. but i no longer have that luxury. so i’m still looking for a way to get still…..
I’m still trying to figure out the answer to that question. I like to think it was much easier before I had children, but I think I probably procrastinated just as much then, too. Half the battle seems to be simply slowing down and asking God to what He wants to say.
My radio/stereo in my car broke – I’m sure this was an act of God because now I sit in the silence of my car and spend time with God. It’s so wonderful to have 40 minutes of silence to think and connect with God.