What's Your Legacy?
Pat Rowland spoke today at Cross Point Nashville about “Leaving a Legacy”. Here are some highlights:
- Scripture reference was 1 Samuel 1:10-13, 28 about Hannah
- Legacy is not just how you are remembered, it is about how you have affected those around you
- Legacy doesn’t come just by chance
- Memories alone won’t have the same impact as the legacy you create
Oh and I have to mention that the highlight of the day for me was my husband singing the Sanctus Real song “Legacy”. I know I’m a bit biased but he is a rock star, isn’t he?
Seriously though, what are you doing to leave a legacy? How are you building into the lives of those around you?
Great message today. Hannah is one of my favorite biblical characters. She teaches us how to “respond” to a painful situation rather than “react” and feel sorry for ourselves. And, in the end is tremendously blessed for her faith, obedience and commitment. Personally, such an important reminder.
I also love when Merlyn is worshiping on stage – he’s always so authentic and genuine when he sings. Today’s special music was incredible!
Rock Star For sure! Amazing Finnish to a great day! LOVE BROTHER 🙂
Merlyn is a freakin’ rock star. I was still left disappointed however that he did not include the “fist-pump” or the “toe-touch” routine we worked on into the chorus. I think he could have pulled it off.
I had a moment yesterday where I realized just how much I get to influence young lives. Our family was eating at a small Mexican restaurant when one of our youth group kids walked in and FREAKED when she saw us. She was jumping up and down and was so excited to see us outside of our youth room.
My sister-in-law said, wow…you really have an impact. This made the hair on my neck stand on end. It’s awesome and so scary all at once.
I know Merlyn is my hero.