This Sunday we launch a new series at Cross Point Nashville called ‘Sync’ and I think it’s going to be AMAZING!
I’m a little excited and scared about what the truth of this series is going to reveal in my life.
Pete made this comment on his blog about the series:
“I desperately want to learn how to know God in a more intimate way. My personal life with Christ is not where it needs to be and I have allowed the noise of this world to distract and dissuade me from that pursuit.”
I hope you’ll join us Sunday at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m.!
And… invite someone to join you!
By the way, if you want to use the promo video on your blog, here’s the code:
Note that to use the code you need to add a ] (bracket) at the end of the code above. For some reason it deletes it when I post the comment.
I’m going to be out of town this Sunday for the start of the series, but I am eager to hear where Pete is going with this. I’ll definitely be back by the 8th!
I’m a little scared too!
I think I’m coming down with the flu… it might last for several weeks! Just kidding! This may sound strange, but I’m honestly looking forward to what I believe could be a very transparent experience for the Cross Point family. Traveling this road together can only make us stronger and more vulnerable. Within the vulnerability comes humility! With humility comes an ability beyond ourselves to live and love. I want to learn to love better, be more God focused. Nervously looking forward to what’s ahead!
I’m so glad that Pete is doing this series. It’s important to look at the little things that distract us from God too…they can so easily steer us off course…
“This Sunday we launch a new series at Cross Point Nashville called ‘Sync’ and I think it’s going to be AMAZING!
I wish you the best with your new series. My family and I will keep your efforts in our prayers.