Sunday Highights – Crazy Love Begins!
Crazy Love kicked off at Cross Point Nashville yesterday!
I have been so excited about this series. Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be talking about the vision of Cross Point and some exciting things that we believe God is calling us to as a church over the next year. Clear your calendars and be here the next couple of weeks!
Today’s message was “Crazy for God!” Here are the highlights I captured from Pete‘s message:
- Acts 2:42-47 – the scripture that Pete was reading and re-reading as God laid it on his heart to be in ministry.
- We don’t want Cross Point to just be an organization, we want it to be a revolution.
- John 13:35 – Jesus’ definition of spiritual maturity.
- Matthew 22:36-40 – Spiritual maturity is measured in the context of relationships.
- Jesus said it all comes down to LOVING God and LOVING others.
- At Cross Point we encourage each person to pursue three relationships: Intimacy with God, Community with Insiders (others in the church), and Influence with Outsiders (those who don’t yet know Christ).
- As a church, our goal is not growth, it’s health and we define health by the balance of these three relationships.
- Galatians 4:19 – Pete’s life verse/the core of his calling
- Hebrews 11:36-38 – notice that life for these believers was anything but safe and comfortable
- The opposite of Crazy Love is Civilized Love. For most of us, our faith is very civilized or calculated.
- We have to ask ourselves some tough questions like ‘Are we really doing what God has called us to?’
Pete’s message today has both personal and church-wide application. We’ll be sharing the church-wide application with you over the next couple of weeks, but I would like to challenge you with some questions to consider personally?
Are you playing it safe?
Do you know what God is REALLY calling you to do?
If yes, what are you waiting for?
If not, when are you going to get serious about asking him?
What do you need to do to live “Crazy for God”?
Jenni, this is so what God has been speaking to me about. I actually was just on my face last night about this for our own fellowship of believers. I think we get distracted from the main thing – loving God and loving others and then we substitute our own wants and desires and slap the God sticker on them to justify it.
We need to get back to the basics. In a big way. It has to begin in the heart of our leaders…….well, actually it began in the heart of God but here on earth we must model what we long to see reproduced in our church……
It has been humbling for me – I just can’t seem to get off of my face. I pray God will move. I’ll be praying for ya’ll as well.
Intimacy with Christ has been my year long banner and NOW that I’m in leadership, I find myself busy with the nuts and bolts. But God still AMAZES me!!
Just yesterday, during my scheduled (all planned out) Sunday a young man came to me and said Can I serve today? I said, (thinking inside I already have everyone in place, another person.. ugh) then I said sure… then it happened. That young man and his wife shared Christ with another couple in the aisle. WOW.. (so true we have take our eyes off the organization and be a revolution)
God never fails. I WANT TO BE A REVOLUNTIONIST like that young man.
That’s the first time I saw the promo video with that movie clip. I saw the ones with Anchorman and Tommy Boy, they are all great! I went to buy Anchorman at Target and they were all sold out, I guess all of Pete’s readers went to get it too 🙂
I hope I am not playing it safe! I love what Erwin McManus writes about in Chasing Daylight. The Christian Cliche’ has always been that people want to be in the center of God’s will, because that’s where it is the safest and that’s where He will take care of us and protect us, but New Testament teaching is that being in the center of God’s will is the most dangerous place we can be, I want to be where its dangerous!
ok. so…brent and i talked today over lunch and asked each other and ourselves those exact same questions you asked us above. exactly. we have felt for a long time we’ve been missing something. not doing something. but not being able to pinpoint it.
so tonight. we will sit with our kiddos and discuss this with them. we are going boldly before God and asking for revelation and strength and faith to act on His call – His will…even if that means big change!
why am i nervous?
What’s the the old saying? If you can’t say amen, say oh me. Yesterday, Cindy and I both left the service saying, oh me.
Why do we play it safe? There are a bunch of related reasons, but you can boil them all down to basically one, failure to consistently follow Jesus. We get our eyes off Him and on to other things or other people. Most of the time, we don’t even realize it.
We see the most poignant example in John Chapter 21. Jesus has been giving Peter a love thrashing and what does Peter do? He turns aside once again, points at John and says, “Lord, what about him?”
We need to listen to what Jesus says. His reply is like a cannon shot into the heart of every believer. Jesus said, “If I want him to remain until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”
Our relationship with Christ doesn’t come out of a box of Cracker Jacks. It is personal, it is individually steamlined with a calling.
You’re right, Jenni. The problem is, we don’t ask what that calling is. I know what mine is and it scares me. It means I’m going to have to reveal so many things I’d like to squirrel away. But, at the same time, it is liberating.
Thanks for sharing.
Tam, I will be praying for you this evening. I am convinced this is a good place to be. I love to plan. I love to have my weeks all figured out. God is calling me to lay it all aside and seek Him and see what happens. I am – as you say – a bit afraid. We’ll see.
Everyone, I’d love to hear you share what God does in your life!
I can’t help but get excited about what God could do through us as we all seriously ask ourselves these questions.
@Tam – I’m nervous too. I don’t know why… maybe it’s because what he tells us might seem outrageous, not rational, beyond our control… but at the same time I bet it will be the most amazing adventure of our lives as we release our control and really submit to his plan.
Please continue to share your journey everyone! I’m praying for you all!
Crazy Love vs. Civilized love…I get it. Living in that realm is the hard part. I like to fit everything into nice compartments, but love does not always fit nicely into the box that I want to give it. I hope that I can love like crazy…for God’s glory. That is at the core of my calling. Thanks for providing the highlights. I filter things similarily to the three relationships that you indicated, except I explain it as Connecting with God, Growing with His church, and Influencing my culture. That movement is what I’m looking for in a fully developing follower of Christ…especially me.
thank you janowen!!
jen – for me…its a control thing. and probably a lot of selfishness. things that need to be dealt with.
but i do love the journey!!!
Ok, first of all, Matt did a killer job on these series promo videos and I think they gave you the best one. I love Princess Bride!
Second, Each series promo I see makes me more jealous. I wish I was there for this one.
Third – Yes, Lisa and I have been feeling the same things lately. God is definitely calling us out on the edge but I’m just so hesitant to jump. Why is that?