Just Be You
A mentor once told me:
“Just be You”
I wonder who am I , really?
What makes me, me?
Where have I buried me?
What am I buried under?
Where do I start digging?
Ever ask yourself these questions?
A mentor once told me:
“Just be You”
I wonder who am I , really?
What makes me, me?
Where have I buried me?
What am I buried under?
Where do I start digging?
Ever ask yourself these questions?
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all the time. It’s taken me years to really “see” myself. AFter taking the Meyers-Briggs test I realized I have a very rare personality type – that may be why I felt confused. But I also lived in a world that did not encourage me to use my primary giftings either. So I felt guilty about them, or unsure, or both. I was buried under the false guilt that comes from the laws of man. I was also buried under my own perfectionistic tendencies that would not allow me to say or recognize that I was good at anything. Nothing I did was ever good enough so I was actually blinded to my own gifts and abilities. I’m learning.
I think I was more comfortable just being me in my 20’s than I am in my 30’s, which seems a bit backward. But yes, I ask myself those questions all the time.
i agree with julie.. i’m more comfortable with me now… but still ask those questions and get frustrated when i don’t have good answers!
All the time! The cool thing for me is that I’m actually asking myself, and not asking others who I am!
I ask myself those questions quite often. I’m slowly getting answers but am still quite far from knowing who I really am.
@Rindy – great point! That’s half the problem… we let others define us too often!
I think that I ask that every day at least once.
Constantly, I pray for God to reveal who I am in him…because he made me and he knows the true me better than anyone.
I love that God is slowly peeling the layers away.. I love the way things are turning out to be.
“Ever ask yourself these questions?”
not on purpose. 😉
hmmm…i think i am better defined now than ever before. i am more confident in who i am in Him. but i still struggle all too often with doubts and second guesses.
shoot. then maybe im not as confident as i thought.
yep, all the time. Especially since I have two little ones now. Easy to forget who the heck I am.