Sunday Highlights
The KidStuff Christmas programs took place at both campuses today. I had the privilege of being at the Dickson campus. Here are a few pics:
I love how our teenagers were involved in the program too!
And this one is my favorite. I know it’s a bit blurry, but check out how baby Jesus’ head is about to roll off and the angel couldn’t have been cast more perfectly. 🙂
Our volunteers at both campuses did an amazing job with the program. Thank you all!
BTW – Was your child in one of the programs? Any funny stories to share from their time on stage?
I agree…Riley was the best little angel ever! Joel provided enough of his humor during the program to last a good year around here! I think I have a future star in the making! 🙂
@fullofboys – Joel was hysterical! So cute!
I missed the children’s program because I was in Kentucky at my parent’s house. Thank you for sharing the pictures. It seems like every time I am in Kentucky is when you are in Dickson. I hope to catch you next time that you are in Dickson!
Merry Christmas!