Sunday Highlights


Oh yeah, we tackled the big one today at Cross Point Nashville – FEAR OF FINANCES!

Casey Graham of ReThink Money joined Pete for the message today.  Here are a few nuggets that I captured:

  • You’ll be fearful if you try to trust it (money).
  • The more you have, the easier it is to lean on it, to trust it.
  • A financial crisis is a reminder that you’re not secure and not in control.
  • You’ll be fearful if you think you own it (money).
  • God doesn’t want your stuff, he wants to make sure your stuff doesn’t have you. (quote from Andy Stanley)
  • Your money is not your money.
  • When the economy struggles, the affluent are inconvenienced but he poor are crushed.
  • This is a moment for Christians to lead by taking less and giving more.

This last statement hit me the hardest today.  How can I as a Christian lead and influence others that are scared by our present economic conditions?  How can I give more?  How can I love others better?  How can I set an example not to fear but to trust God?

“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19

What’s your response to this scripture?  What’s your level of trust in God to provide?

PS – Mark you calendars for a ReThink Money Live on February 21st.  Casey will be back (at both campuses) to lead us through a day of training and coaching in regard to our personal finances.  I’ll share more details soon.

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  • Heather January 25, 2009  

    Great service today! Thanks for all of your hard work. I just blogged about it myself 🙂

    I think this verse is so powerful and has so many applications for our lives. It is hard to trust God when you are faced with all of the greed that Pete mentioned. When I see advertisements for new cars (as I am currently shopping for a used car myself) I get envious of those who can afford such luxuries. And then I start to look at my bank statements with disappointment. But I really liked what Pete said about the affluent being “inconvenienced” and the poor being “devastated” in these economic times. I am so blessed to be only inconvenienced and trust that God will provide me with more riches than money can offer!

  • brewster January 26, 2009  

    i am seriously hyped to see what God does through this economic situation. He has a plan for it and he was not surprised by it…

    You guys rock for tackling this head on and bringing in an expert. Squash the fear so people can give freely…which ironically creates more FREEDOM.

  • brewster January 26, 2009  

    oh, and i dig the new layout…rock

  • Jenni Catron January 26, 2009  

    @brewster – thanks! Yes, I agree God is at work!

  • mandythompson January 26, 2009  

    Jenni: you can delete me from your blogroll over this, but can i be honest and say that I really really really struggle with that verse up there. the one about God supplying all our needs.
    I don’t necessarily disagree with the verse.
    I just struggle with times when GODLY people go bankrupt. Or starve. Or can’t find jobs. Or literally physically starve…. I know there are impoverished Christians all over the world (which is why the health/wealth gospel is SO successful in Africa, etc)… but they stay in poverty . and they die of disease and famine. DIE.
    did He supply their need then?
    what do we do with that?
    I’m gonna shut up now.

  • Jenni Catron January 26, 2009  

    Oh Mandy, I’m NOT deleting you from the blogroll on this one! I think you were the brave one to ask the tough question that this scripture begs. How do we reconcile issues of poverty and disease? What exactly does it mean supply all our needs? Does that mean here… now? How do I define needs… are we talking spiritual or physical?

  • mandythompson January 27, 2009  

    Thank you for not deleting me.
    I guess I’m just tired of how we can sometimes “Defend” God by tying up all the neat loose ends of Scripture. For that one to be tied, we’d do a disservice to reality. I’m looking forward to the day when God sets us straight on that verse. REALLY! 🙂

  • Louie Mercer January 27, 2009  

    Good stuff. Wish I was there to hear it. There was this very staight cat, sort of a older big dog in the Methodist church, John Wesley who said, Make all you can, save all you can, give all you can. I will bet it was a great message on finances. I, like you, can not resolve all of Mandy’s issues, and they are valid…We just have to believe that God is in control….just like he was in….Egypt, when He brought them out….Good blog. Blessings. louie