Sunday Highlights


I’m not sure that I can do today’s message justice.  It was extremely powerful, completely uncomfortable and yet very eye-opening.

“Getting Out of the Driver Seat”

Pete started the message talking about the gap we have in our lives.  There is a gap between You and God which is designed to be filled by Christ.  Most of us try to find different ways to fill the gap and in doing so we put Jesus in the back seat of our lives.

Here are my notes from the day:

  • Matthew 16:24-25
  • Some of us feel like we’re treading water spiritually.
  • We put Jesus in the back seat when we commit idolatry.  Idolatry is taking something other than God and making it the ultimate thing in our lives.
  • For many of us Jesus really isn’t anything more than our ticket into heaven.
  • Ezekiel 16:8-19 – Go read this passage! It’s a letter from God to followers of Christ.  It sets the tone for the entire message.
  • We can not get enough of the idols in our lives.  God is not enough for us.  We become the whores who prefer everyone else/everything else but God.
  • Ezekiel 16:60 – God keeps his covenant to us despite our idolatry.
  • There is something in your life that you are tempted to pursue more than God.
  • For most of us what we chase is not glaringly destructive, it’s morally neutral (success, relationships, wealth)
  • Philippians 1:6
  • Philippians 2:12-13
  • Matthew 4:19

Pete left us with two questions to consider in regard to what we find ourselves chasing after:

  1. Am I tempted to sin to get it?
  2. Am I tempted to sin if I think I’m going to lose it?

We finished the day with a startlingly powerful song called “Wedding Dress”.  Many of you have asked about the song and how you can get it.  It was originally recorded by Derek Webb on the album “She Must and Shall Go Free”.

I was challenged today to consider what I’m filling “the gap” with.  How about you?

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