Sunday Highlights
Cross Point Nashville launched the new series Hope Now today.
I can’t imagine a time when the need for hope wasn’t more appropriate. From job losses, to 401K’s bottoming out, to tornadoes and earthquakes, to sickness and scarcity. A little bit of hope is welcomed in the midst of some pretty gloomy headlines.
Here are a few quotes from Pete‘s message today:
“Waiting on Hope”
- John 11:1-21, 43-45 – the story of Lazarus
- There is an undeniable relationship between crisis and hope
- Waiting is so hard because we are all “quick-aholics”
- Like Martha in John 11:21, we don’t doubt God’s power, we doubt his timing
- God will allow suffering, pain, and unexpected crisis in order to detach hope from other things and attach it to Himself.
- When you are waiting you are allowing your hope to grow.
- Intimacy with God is forged while we are waiting.
- If you are honest, you don’t really want God. You want what you think God can give you.
- God wants more than anything else for you to find your hope in him.
- True hope develops when you accept God’s power and timing.
I HOPE you’ll make plans to join us for the rest of the series.
And be sure to invite a friend… to Dickson or to Nashville!
jenni – sounds wonderful. i’m gonna have to listen to the podcast.
Loved the Promo! Great work
Loved the Promo. Don’t ask me how the previous comment got up there like that. But I still loved the promo. 🙂