Sunday Highlights


Honestly, I’m not quite sure how to process today yet.  It was an emotional overload… and I’m usually not so good with my emotions.

I started the day at Cross Point Dickson and was impacted again by Justin & Trisha Davis’ story.  Justin and Trisha were actually with us in Dickson this morning and it was so cool to watch them pray with and encourage folks after the services today.  Merlyn and I discussed how each time we watch their video it challenges us to consider another element/dynamic of our marriage.  If you have yet to watch their video, sit down for 27 minutes and watch it here.

Then tonight I headed back to the Nashville campus to hear Pete’s message that everyone has been talking about today.  I’ve heard bits and pieces throughout the week since Pete has been back from India, but hearing him passionately share his heart for reaching the world with the hope of Christ… well, I don’t know how it couldn’t move you.

Here are a few of the powerful statements/challenges from Pete today:

  • If you don’t live like you believe your life was created to impact the world, you will miss the point of salvation and sanctification.
  • Do you really believe the local church can still change the world?
  • When you get hope, what are you going to do with it?
  • Extending our hope to others is our commandment.  Missions isn’t a calling, it’s a commandment.  It’s not a program in the church, it’s the whole stinkin’ purpose of the church!
  • We have a disconnect between the hope of God and the purpose of God.
  • As American Christians we’ve become bored.  We run around complaining and not doing anything.
  • Can our life count for something great?  Why not?  We’ve been given hope so we can extend hope.

So what are you going to do?

Not all of us can travel to India, but all of us can do something.

So what are you going to do?

Do something.

Do anything.

But just share hope!

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  • sailorscott May 10, 2009  

    I am so proud of our leadership for being willing to stare the demons of Pride or Materialism or Comfort or Whatever in the face and allow God to draw the lines in the sand. And I feel so blessed to be a part of Crosspoint in whatever shape that takes.

  • Andy Depuy May 10, 2009  

    The service tonight was awesome,I wanted to stand up & cheer or shout from the rafters. God was in the house tonight & if anyone there didnt feel his presence then they werent there. I am keeping Crosspoint on my prayer list. I told Pete that if there was anything I could pray for just let me know.

  • paulaswift May 10, 2009  

    I wanted to yell, FINALLY!!!!

    From the opposing extreme of someone who struggles with guilt of worthiness (or lack thereof) of even the smallest blessings, at least I know I’m not alone in my ongoing heartbreak for those unreached and without hope around the world….

  • Blake Bergstrom May 10, 2009 was most definitley a remarkable weekend. I am still laying here stirring from all that I took in. Great observations.


  • brent(inWorship) May 11, 2009  

    I am so excited for Pete and Crosspoint right now. There is a passion and conviction running through Pete right now that is infectious. I am so excited to be a part of it and be challenged by it.

    “When you get hope, what are you going to do with it?”

    This hit me hard! Usually when I feel comfortable (and hope brings some comfort), I act selfish and look to protect myself with it. This quote hit me hard! I know now, when I receive hope, that it will be extended to others and not held selfishly to myself.

  • Jenni Catron May 11, 2009  

    @brent – I felt the same way about that question. We’ve been talking about getting hope all series long… in so many ways I’ve been so selfishly motivated by that. I want hope because I want comfort (if I’m really honest with myself). Pete definitely gave us much to think about. Thanks for being a part of this community even thousands of miles away. We miss you guys!

  • brent(inWorship) May 11, 2009  

    Jenni, that’s the beauty of the Kingdom. We get to be a part of your lives no matter where we are. Looking forward to seeing you all again sometime.

  • Ladybird May 11, 2009  

    Sorry that I missed you in Dickson….EC and I traveled to KY to spend the weekend with my mother.

    The local church changed MY world. I believe that it can change the world….one person at a time.