Sunday Highlights
This series is one of those that just seems to get better week after week.
Today Pete‘s message was “Hope for the Future”. I’ll give you a few quotes & scriptures but then I want to leave you with this video about Shelia. Shelia’s story sums up the power of hope for our futures!
- Don’t let your life count for anything less than something great.
- Acts 1:8
- The evil one is so brilliant at trapping us into yesterday (reliving our past mistakes and regrets).
- It’s possible to miss the incredible power of hope because we downplay sin our life.
- When you minimalize sin, you minimalize God and become a very self-sufficient individual.
- Luke 18:9-14
- When you try to overcome something by your own will, it will beat you.
- When you realize how enormous your sin is, you can embrace how incredible God’s hope is.
“Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:21-23
Jenny, what a beautiful story of hope and grace – what a great redemption truth lived out right in front of you all there at Cross Point! Thanks for sharing.