The Greats


Wimbledon Finals: Roger Federer def Andy Roddick

Roger Federer (2) 5 7 7 3 16
Andy Roddick (6) 7 6 6 6 14

You knew I couldn’t not talk about it 🙂

Although I already knew the outcome of the match, I was glued to my DVR to see this incredible match play out.  The strength, stamina, focus and mental toughness of the greats of any game amaze me.

I think of…

Michael Jordan

Tiger Woods

Lance Armstrong

Roger Federer

Arguably some of the best players of all time in their respective sports.

Here are some things that I think make them great:

  • discipline
  • mental toughness
  • composure
  • focus
  • confidence
  • strength under pressure

Who would you add to the list of greats?

What makes them great?

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  • Andy Borgmann July 6, 2009  

    I have met and worked with plenty of famous people in my life. Many people – especially within the “Christian realm” – who would probably make the ‘greats’ list of a lot of people. But none of them hold a candle to six people who most everyone has never heard of.

    My Greats

    1.) Nate Hasty

    2.) Pat Rowland

    3.) Charlie Paparelli

    4.) Dick Pritchard

    5.) David Panning

    6.) Allen Hunt

    I can’t even begin to explain what makes each of these people great with out a huge diatribe on each.

  • @B_rewster July 6, 2009  

    Another thing I am wrestling with today is when you outperform the opposition, and history, and still come up short. Roddick lost 1 service game in like 35, against the best player ever. He won more games. He broke RF twice, yet came up short. Still great. Never settled for good, and still did not achieve his goal.

  • bobbygee July 7, 2009  

    MJ, Tiger Woods, Wilt, Bill Russell, Borg, Federer, Thanks for reading Bobby Gee

  • Mandy Galyean Smith July 7, 2009  

    One thing I would add to the list of what makes them great is that they continue to PRACTICE THE FUNDAMENTALS. You would think these people at the top of their games would just work on ‘showmanship’, but from what I’ve heard about them all, they continue(d) to focus on the fundamentals of their respective games.

    As Christians, I think it’s easy for us to forget our fundamentals…daily Bible reading, daily prayer, time alone with the Lord. Things we teach the kids in Sunday school, yet sometimes we get so busy ‘working for Him’ that we forget those fundamentals…if we are to be ‘great’ at what we do, then we need to practice!

  • jan owen July 7, 2009  

    Well of course – Bear Bryant, but he was known for coaching first of all.

    As a Christian in leadership the lesson God is whispering to my heart again and again right now is “humility”. Be quiet and able to follow. Don’t toot your own horn. Live in love. All lessons I am afraid we’re forgetting as we reach toward our “goals”.

  • Jenni Catron July 7, 2009  

    @B_rewster – great point. Roddick played so well, it’s hard to watch him take 2nd place for that performance.

    @Mandy – great application to our spiritual health & development!