Sunday Highlights & Big Announcements
DNA – Week 3 “Acting” by Pete Wilson
** It was such a big day at Cross Point Nashville today. My notes don’t really do this message justice so be sure to go online and watch/listen once it’s posted.
Matthew 28:16-20
“Go and make disciples of all nations” – This statement is why we as a church can not stop trying to reach the world.
The idea of going to all the nations seems like a big overstatement because we’re not even reaching our own cul-de-sacs.
Mark 2:16-17
We’re growing as a church because of the influence you have with neighbors and friends and family.
In 2010 we are launching Cross Point Bellevue!
Beginning Sept 13th all of our campuses will have live teaching via video.
Why don’t we do what normal churches do and build a big building?
There are 3 reasons why we feel like we are called to multi-site strategy
1) New churches reach new people
2) We can do this for a fraction of the cost
3) It gives people increased opportunity for leadership and service in ministry (the larger we grow the easier it is for people to hide out and not serve)
People are our most important resources.
Planting two new campuses in 6 months is going to provide plenty of opportunities for you to serve.
“The purpose of influence is to speak up for people who have no influence.” Rick Warren
Somebody has to be compassionate and courageous to help those without influence, those who have no voice.
Isaiah 1:17 “Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows.”
God’s plan has always been YOU! It has always been the church.
How are we doing that?
- Building a church and feeding center in the Dominican Republic
- Medical missions efforts in Honduras
- Starting a school & feeding center in India
- Launching ministries from a downtown Nashville location that will reach out to people who may never enter the doors of our church
We all have a tendency to invest our lives in temporary things.
The best this world has to offer is all temporary. You can invest your life in those things or you can invest in things that are eternal.
Eternal = love God, love people
Next steps:
1) Pray for all of our campuses
2) Keep inviting your unchurched friends
3) Serve – get involved
We partner together to create environments where only God can do what God can do.
I hope you’ll be a part of it!
Wow! You guys have grown so much even in the last year when I’ve been gone! I remember when we started attending in ’03 and it was about 300 people at one service at Gower. Of all the things I miss the most about Nashville – Crosspoint ranks number 1 – such wonderful people! Good luck!!!
Man, I’m getting fired up all over again just reading through all of this stuff. I’m never going to get to sleep tonight!
Justin Davis being the campus pastor for Bellevue is a great inspiration to people who think restoration isn’t possible.
Although, I live in San Diego, I am so fired up for Cross Point. I pray for you, Pete/Brandi and your campuses on a weekly basis, I listen online all the time. What you guys are doing is amazing, encouraging, Now I want to do more to get my friends up and serving at New life and our multisite campus.
Thanks for sharing these notes, I cannot wait to watch it!
Have not been able to keep up with all the blogging this summer, but I am so glad I picked this one to jump back in.
So excited for Crosspoint and our Bellevue community !
On a personal note when I started attending Crosspoint 6 years ago all my family could do was literaly hold a chair down ,and listen sometimes we could not even hear the words but just hold that chair down….now I cannot wait to put some chairs out !
That’s stinking crazy cool. I’m so excited for you guys. We’re launching our first attempt at 3 services on that same day.