Catalyst Day 2 Recap
Another great Catalyst Conference over. It always goes way too fast.
I wish I could have connected with more friends.
I wish I had more time to wander the halls.
I wish I could capture some of the worship moments where I let go of all of the stresses and just connected with God.
I wish I could find some moments to reflect on all that I learned before I rush back into real life.
But in spite of my wishes, I’m so thankful for two full days of inspiring worship, teaching, laughter and motivation. Events like Catalyst always re-energize me in a big way.
Here are my key takeaways from day 2:
Session 7 Part 1 – Priscilla Shirer, Founder, Going Beyond Ministries, Author and Bible Teacher
- Priscilla challenges us to yield to the interrupted life by sharing four characteristics from Joshua 3
- Joshua acted immediately in obedience to God
- Joshua acted fearlessly
- Joshua acknowledged the presence of God
- Joshua anticipated God’s miracles
Session 7 Part 2 – Dave Ramsey, Best-selling Author, National Radio and TV Host
- Focused Intensity, over Time, multiplied by God, equals Unstoppable Momentum!
- Focus is lost because of fear and greed
- Pour intensity into things that really matter
- Figure out the course, stay the course – no distractions!
Session 8 – Chuck Swindoll, Best-selling Author and Founder, Insight for Living
10 Things He Learned During Almost 50 Years in Leadership:
- It’s lonely to lead
- It’s dangerous to succeed
- It’s hardest at home
- It’s essential to be real
- It’s painful to obey
- Brokenness and failure are necessary
- My attitude is more important than my actions
- Integrity eclipses image
- God’s way is always better than my way
- Christ-likeness begins and ends with humility
Five Statements Worth Remembering During Your Next 50 Years in Leadership:
- Whatever you do, do more with others and less alone
- Whenever you do it, emphasize quality not quantity
- Wherever you go, do it the same as if you were among those who know you best
- Whoever may respond, keep a level head
- However long you lead, keep on dripping with gratitude and grace
Session 9 – Louie Giglio, Visionary Architect, Director, Passion Conference
- Leadership is knowing and following Jesus Christ.
- Leadership is choosing wisely to seek His face and to reflect His face to the world.
What we’ll see on Jesus face:
- Matchless beauty and magnificence
- Confidence and courage to be the leaders we need to be
Unfortunately I missed the last session with Andy Stanley but Kent Shaffer over at Church Relevance has great notes on that session. Go check them out here!
All in all, another great year! Happy 10th Anniversary Catalyst. Here’s hoping for 10 more!!