Manage from Your Heart
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23
A few weeks ago Pete shared a message about understanding the intent of our heart. (I posted the highlights of that message here.)
The message was really powerful, but one thing in his closing prayer really caught my attention… he prayed that we would manage people from our heart.
What does that mean to manage people from my heart? What does that even look like?
As a leader, I recognize the value of relational leadership, but managing from the heart… I think there is a whole other level here that I need to uncover.
If the heart is the wellspring of life, then it’s the place where my life overflows… where the deepest parts of me are revealed… where what’s truest about me exists. If I manage from my heart, it needs to be an overflow of my character. It means I’m managing and leading my team in a style that is unique to me… and as a result it’s authentic. It’s not an imitation of other leaders that I admire or a set of principles I’ve read in a book. It’s an overflow of my heart and character. It’s an overflow of the closeness I have with God and the discernment and guidance He gives.
Am I managing from my heart?
And do I like what the overflow of my heart looks like?
Great leaders lead from an abundance of love for others. I want to be that kind of leader.
What does managing from the heart mean to you?
Another scripture I think of is Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."____A few years back I read the verse from Proverbs as saying I needed to guard my heart and be careful because it could be hurt or damaged, but Philippians spells out that it is the peace of God that guards it. I think the key is what you mentioned, the overflow. The keys of my life and walk with God are my love for him, and how I allow that love to affect my heart and fill me. As I embrace my walk with him I am filled and then I overflow into others, but often I am trying to serve and lead out of my own emptiness. When I bring my emptiness and brokenness to a relationship it is easy for me to make a bad move and the they respond with another bad move. If I am in right relationship with God, then all of my other relationships and my leadership go much more smoothly. It is about keeping my eyes and heart focused on God, not about looking at me or others.
So well said, Sherie!
"Managing from the heart"…sounds like an exercise in intentionally leading/directing the people under your authority and influence as PEOPLE rather than RESOURCES.
I know that can be hard for me.
Very true, Aaron!
These are really good thoughts. A great reminder for me even as a substitute teacher. Am I leading the children I see each day from my heart? Or from the frustrations they can cause. Thanks so much for sharing this.
Thank you for this! I'm back in leadership and management after having been away for a few years. And man it's tough. But I'm learning to create relationship first. To build a rapport with those I'm leading (serving & equipping)… This post is a good reminder. Thanks Jenni!