Friday Fun
This week flew by!
Fortunately it was a very good one. Here are some things on my mind today:
- An important project that I’ve been working on (which happened to be one of my thorns), is officially complete today! Holy cow, that’s a wonderful feeling. I’m not sure how to adequately celebrate it.
- It’s been a roller coaster week for all things Cultivate Her. Some good news, some bad news, some big dreaming and then a great event this past Wednesday with our guest speaker Tami Heim. We’re dreaming and scheming some amazing stuff for all things women in leadership, so stay tuned.
- Our Cross Point missions teams are back home this week. Our team in the Dominican Republic came back Tuesday and our Honduras team gets back tomorrow. So proud of each of these teams for serving so big! You can check out highlights from the Honduras trip HERE.
- Almost finished with Steven Furtick’s new book Sun Stand Still: What Happens When You Dare to Ask God for the Impossible. This one is making me think and pray BIG! It doesn’t release until Sept 21st, but you can pre-order by clicking the title.
- Gotta finish up my talk for The NINES this weekend. Are you registered to attend? It’s FREE! Our entire staff is going to attend this year.
- Can’t believe July is almost over.
- I’m working on some big planning and leadership development stuff for our team for this fall. I’m getting so excited – love people development stuff – LOVE IT!
- My thumb which I smashed during flood week is growing back really funky. Kind of afraid it’s going to stay that way. 🙁
- Going to the beach for a few days the end of next week with my sis. Can’t wait!
- Walking with Ash in 30 minutes! Love that sweet little Audrey Beth but she has messed up our weekly run/walk time. Excited to get back to it!
- Hoping to see Inception this weekend. Everyone is raving about it. Have you seen it?
Find some joy in your weekend and tell us about it!
We're home all day if you want to come see us. Maybe going to the pool later. 🙂 Inception was brain overload for me but I 'got it', just felt like my head was going to explode afterwards. Enjoy the beach with Jess…I'm jealous!
In regards to your thumb–I killed my big toe falling down the stairs Sept 2008. Took the entire nail off and sliced into it. *shudders* Still freaks me out. I was worried it was never going to grow back–but finally, after nearly 2 years of gnarliness it's grown back and looks perfect. It grows slower than the rest, but that's ok. So give it time and love and your thumb will turn out 10 times better!!!
It sounds like you've got some exciting stuff planned for this summer!!! I hope you enjoy your time with your sis!!! :o) I'm with you about Inception–everyone is raving about how mind blowing it is. Must see it.
This weekend I'm looking forward to heading out on the lake with about 50 members of our Not So Small Community Group from Cross Point. :o) Plus later some friends are in from Texas. Life rocks!