Learn it. Live it!
I seriously get a little giddy when I discover leadership development opportunities that really have some teeth to them.
Leadership gets talked about a lot these days… and sometimes I’m afraid that that’s all we do – we talk about leadership.
But what about learning it and living it?
I’m a firm believer that while leadership is sometimes innate and sometimes it’s a spiritual gift, leadership can also be learned. But to learn leadership you’ve got to study it fiercely and live it passionately.
That’s why I’m excited about Backstage Leadership. Greg Darley and his team have put together an awesome program that blends the learning of and living out of leadership. If you’re ready for a focused next step in your leadership development, let me encourage you to check it out.
Here’s some more info:
Backstage Leadership gets you behind the scenes with today’s top influencers
Our vision is to create intimate environments for exponential growth. We believe this happens best in smaller environments. By adding small group coaching, networking and accountability to amazing speakers, you get a recipe for huge leadership growth.
Each month you get to ask amazing leaders like Chuck Colson and Dan Cathy any question you want. But the learning process does not end there. Unlike other learning opportunities that stop at information, we help you get to application. Each month, our coaches help all participants find ways to apply what they are learning and then hold them accountable.
Apply HERE for the next class which begins in September 2010. (Best rate ends Aug 1.)
What leadership environments are most actively challenging and developing your leadership growth?
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