Sunday Highlights

I had the privilege of spending my day at the Dickson Campus today.  I’m really excited about this campus (which happens to be the one we’re interviewing for a Campus Pastor.) There’s a great spirit of community here and a passion to reach the city and county of Dickson with the hope of Christ. I believe great things are on the horizon!

Here’s a few miscellaneous thoughts before I give you the highlights from today’s message:

  • So good to have Pete back after his 4 week study break
  • Excited that I got to hang out over lunch with some of the staff and interns from Catalyst (one of my favorite organizations).  Have you ordered your tickets for Catalyst Atlanta yet?  Let me know if you are going to be there!
  • Here’s the link to the book that Pete talked about in the message today: Confessions of a Prayer Slacker.  I can’t wait to read it!
  • Proud of our team and all of our volunteers for another great Sunday!


The Persistent Widow by Pete Wilson

Luke 18:1-8

Jesus is giving us three foundational beliefs in this story:

Belief #1: There is a God in Heaven who deeply loves you.

You are not a bother to God.

He is inviting you into the context of the intimacy of prayer with Him.

Intimacy always requires something of us.  It requires the risk of vulnerability.

As long as I strive to hold control of my life, I am not able to be as vulnerable as God is asking me to be.

Intimacy always comes through truth.

Oftentimes we pray what we wish was in us rather than what is truly in us.

Belief #2: Prayer is how I stay connected to God’s presence.

Ephesians 6:18

I Thessalonians 5:17

Most days we live our lives completely unaware of God’s presence around us.

Every moment is a moment of prayer.  Every moment is a moment to be aware of his presence.  Every moment is a time to awaken in me the reality that God is in me and around me all day.

Prayer becomes an overflow of the your awareness of the reality of God around you and with you constantly.

Belief #3: He is able.

Prayer reminds me that the outcomes of my life do not rest on my shoulders.

You’re too busy to pray becomes you think the outcomes of your life do rest on your shoulders.  You have too much to do to pray.

Ephesians 3:14-

Prayer reminds us that God is the force that moves this entire world forward.

Which one of those foundational beliefs did you most need to hear today?

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