The Power of Influence
August 18th is our next Cultivate Her event here in Nashville and our team is excitedly gearing up for it!
This month we’re going to be talking about the power of influence.
We’ll be celebrating stories of women who have influenced our leadership in a significant way.
Was there someone in your life who believed in you even when you didn’t believe in yourself?
Is there someone in your life that is a constant support and encouragement to you?
We want to hear YOUR stories and we want to inspire you with the stories of others.
Here’s my story…
I was 15. shy. insecure. timid. nervous. scared.
Standing over to the side of her busy ice cream shop, I waited patiently for an opportunity to inquire about a job. I’m quite certain that I nearly bolted out a few times, but I needed to do this. I wanted to work here. I needed a job to earn money for college and I was going to stretch myself to branch out.
But she noticed me. This kind, outgoing, sweet woman noticed me.