Allow Me To Brag
I can remember rummaging through Nan’s purse to find her brag book. It was always there… usually not too hard to find because she had likely had it out recently to share our pictures with her friends.
I loved Nan’s brag book. It was a tangible reminder of how much she loved me (granted that was always measured by how many pictures of me were in the book compared with her other grandkids.) The brag book made me feel special and I know Nan took great pride in showing her friends our pictures and telling them what we were up to. (Odds are she’s still showing my 4 year old picture and telling people what I’m doing now 30 years later.)
So in memory of the brag book, I’ve decided to start a new segment on the blog by the same name.
Although I don’t have children of my own, I have an entire team that I get to do life with day in and day out. These guys are my family.
They stretch me. They teach me. They tolerate me. They still love me.
And although most of them don’t hear it as often as they should, I brag about them frequently. I’m proud of the leaders that they are. I’m proud of the way they love people. I’m proud of the way that they give their whole hearts to serve our church and our community. I’m simply thankful to be a part of their lives.
So from time to time I’ll share a moment to brag on one of our staff.
Indulge me.
Here’s what I’m bragging about this week…
Our Community Groups Team
This past Sunday, our Community Groups Team led by Chris Surratt, hosted our Fall Community Groups Kick-off. Chris and his team are passionate about getting people connected in community and this weekend alone they signed up 1000 people!
Did you catch that?
1000 MORE people who want to be in community!
That’s above and beyond those who are already connected to a group.
The number is simply staggering and reminds me just how hungry people are for authentic relationships and spiritual formation.
I’m so proud of this team, the group coaches and the group leaders who are making it possible for authentic community to be a part of our DNA at Cross Point. Simply amazing!
You can learn more about our Community Groups on their blog Continue the Conversation. Go check it out!
Who can you brag about this week?
they did an amazing job!!! i love seeing how their dedication is guiding crosspoint to be a church who practices biblical community. they deserve the big brag!
Right about that, I'm very interesting about this. so thank you.