Influence vs. Leadership
“Leadership is influence – nothing more nothing less.” John C. Maxwell
But is influence always leadership?
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
in Leadership
“Leadership is influence – nothing more nothing less.” John C. Maxwell
But is influence always leadership?
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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Jenni, I've wrestled with this question before. I always come back to the question of what is leadership I think defining that determines your answer.
I'll look forward to reading the responses you receive also.
No I don’t think it necessarily is.I think a leader keeps the well being whether spiritual or otherwise as a priority. You could have influence over someone but only want what they can do for you.
Great point, Amy. Influence isn't always positive.
I think of influence as being more like a gentle breeze that aids the ship—but it's not necessarily the captain steering the ship.
That is a great visual for influence vs leadership. I may need to steal that illustration 🙂
I have to vote no. Leadership requires consistent and effective influence. Influence is a fundamental part of leadership, but it can exist completely void of leadership. In fact it can be used in ways that undermine the goals leadership, to Amy's point. Influence has great potential to magnify mistakes in leadership. How many leaders have we seen collapse at peak times because their influence became so great and they failed to keep it in check?
I totally agree with you David. Great points!
Not necessarily. Influence can come in positive and negative forms. If you have negative influence, would you really consider that as leadership? Sure, it can "lead" you down the wrong path–but I would say that you aren't really being led so much as you are simply stumbling in the dark trying to find your way.
Perhaps we could call influence "potential energy" and leadership "kinetic energy"
Then we could conclude that once influence gets used, for better or for worse, it becomes leadership.
I like that – potential energy & kinetic energy
I think leadership is influence exerted. And I do believe that there are certain personalities with the power of influence (think charisma)–and should they choose to use that influence, they are very powerful in their leadership. Conversely, I think without influence, it is very hard to be a "visionary" leader–one that makes change happen. You can be a shepherding leader, or a managing leader, but to move people toward a goal, I think you must have that influence factor.
I like your distinctions on style of leader, Nicole. I agree that the influence factor is critical for the visionary leader.
I agree, Jenny. The definition of leadership is critical.
For all of the above reasons, I define leadership as intentional influence.
A follower can INFLUENCE a leader without any chang in position or definition.