Sunday Highlights
I realize I nearly always start my Sunday Highlights with something about it being a great day at Cross Point. I’m sorry if that sounds redundant and unimaginative but I truly do enjoy Sundays at all of our campuses. There are ALWAYS things that could be better, things that I’ll ask questions about or coach on Monday, but all in all being a part of thousands of people worshiping together is so fulfilling. I’m thankful I get to do this.
Today I was at the Nashville campus serving as Worship Assistant for Blake who flew out this afternoon to Africa. His journey to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro has officially begun. Be praying for him for the next two weeks! Can’t wait for him to return to hear his stories. 🙂
Today we also launched our new series “Empty Promises”. I’m pretty sure Pete’s been reading my journal because he’s already challenging me in a big way!
Empty Promises by Pete Wilson
Idolatry – anything you seek to give you what only God can give you.
Exodus 32:1-4
A need for hurry + a desire for control will often lead to idolatry.
The capacity for the human soul to ache is a gift because ultimately it leads us to Jesus – nothing else with satisfy.
My fear for you isn’t external idolatry, but internal idolatry.
Ezekiel 14:3 God says, “… these men have set up idols in their hearts…”
“The human heart is an idolatry factory.” John Calvin
Psalm 63:1
Possible idols in our lives:
- Money
- Success/work
- Attractiveness
- Relationships
- Pleasure
- Church
Of these idols:
- Which of these do I find myself thinking about the most?
- Which one of these do you most fear losing or feel like life might not be worth living if I did not have this, if I lost that?
- Which one of these most gives me a sense of identity?
- Which of these do I most look to, to make me feel secure?
- Which of these do I most want to be known for?
- Which one of these do my efforts most tend to revolve around?
Which idol is God’s biggest rival in your life?
These things in and of themselves are not wrong. The problem is when we let these good things be ultimate in our life.
Luke 14:26-27
My greatest temptation is not to chase after what is ridiculously evil.
My greatest temptation is that I’ll chase after what is deceptively good.
Idolatry will absolutely exhaust you. Your idols don’t have the capacity to breathe life back into you.
You idols leave you bankrupt emotionally.
Idolatry is giving something else the power to do only things that God can do.
Most of the idols that are going to rob you have to do with performance. In pursuit of your idol, you try to play God.
It’s going to leave you bitter and exhausted and you’ll want to give up.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
Awesome Service today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!