The Daily Verse

Occasionally there are unexpected collisions in life that alter our course even if we don’t realize it at the time.

My collision with Kat Davis was less than a spectacular one (or so I thought at the time.)  We were two young twenty-something interns competing for power and influence and our chance to make our mark.  Truth be told, I think I was the one competing for all those things, Kat was just being passionate about the things she loved.  And sometimes that annoyed the crap out of me. 🙂

But it didn’t take long for Kat to win my heart.  We shared a cubicle wall, and day in and day out I would hear her pray for her customers, ask about their life, celebrate their wins and generally encourage everyone she came into contact with.  How can you not like someone like that?

Around the same time Kat began The Daily Verse as a way to inspire her friends and coworkers.  It was just a simple email with a scripture and Kat’s thoughts and insights on the passage.  Nothing flashy but always timely and profound.  Her faithfulness to this simple act of encouragement really inspired me.

Fast forward 11 years or so… Kat is one of my dearest friends.  We’re both still attempting to conquer our little corners of the world.  And recently Kat accomplished one of her biggest dreams – publishing her first book!

What began as a simple email to encourage friends turned into thousands of daily subscribers and now the first published version of The Daily Verse.

The Daily Verse is a collection of Scripture passages from the English Standard Version of the Bible, along with short, simple and real-life commentary from Kat.  I particularly love the space for personal reflection.

If you are not already a subscriber, be sure to sign up for the free, online subscription of The Daily Verse HERE.

I also encourage you to order a copy of the book at The Daily Verse website.

It’s a great gift book too! I’m getting ready to place my Christmas order (my family – pretend you didn’t read that).

Congratulations Kat!  I’m so proud of you, friend!!

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