Sunday Highlights
There is never a boring day here especially when it comes to Sundays at Cross Point. When our team arrived at the Bellevue campus and powered up all the gear, our main amp in the auditorium blew up filling the stage with smoke. Our team quickly rallied to gather some other gear to make our worship services possible there. I just love how our team pulls together and gets creative in crisis. You guys are the best!
We also started our new series “This Is Our God”
“God Is Good” by Pete Wilson
Who is God?
What are the attributes of God?
Our relationships are formed by our perceptions of one another.
The perceptions you have of God have a huge impact on your life.
Two of the most important questions you will ever ask yourself:
- What do you think about God?
- What do you think He thinks about you?
For every misconception you have about God, there is a corresponding consequence.
Exodus 33:18-20
Exodus 34:5-7
God is good because of something in Him, not something in us.
Romans 5:8
Our response to His goodness:
- Be grateful
- Trust Him
Psalm 84:11
What are some of your perceptions of God?
Jenni, hate that you guys had that today, but honestly, it makes me feel in good company. We had terrible tech problems early this morning. I, too, am thankful for people who know how to fix things fast.
Have a great time at staff retreat….I know you’re there, because I went to Cross Point tonight. Great day and great worship.
Thanks for leading well.
@Ron I think the tech monster was out in full force today! Sorry I missed you tonight!