Sunday Highlights – A Confession

Allow me a moment of confession:

Today was one of those mornings that the last thing I wanted to do was get up and go to work.  Work meaning church… Sunday services… typically the biggest day of our week… yeah, the day I should be leaping out of bed. The alarm went off and I seriously considered “calling in sick”.  I never call in sick.  I usually enjoy going to work and I’ve always loved Sundays… the energy of everyone gathered, time for worship and a spiritual recharge.  Not this morning.

I finally peeled back the covers and got out of bed.  Somehow I scrounged myself together and headed to our North Campus.  I put on my happy face.  I chit-chatted with volunteers.  I helped set up the school where we meet.  I dutifully played my role as Executive Director.

About midway through the worship set, I slid into the back row and decided to settle into the service.  I love worship so I was really trying to disconnect from my funk and connect with God for a few moments.  And as I settled into the chorus of “Jesus Paid It All” something in front of me caught my attention.  One of our middle school girls ever so slowly began lifting her wavering little arms in the air in praise to God.  From the looks of it, I’m not sure she had ever raised her arms in worship before, but here she was singing out, arms raised, fingers quivering as she sang “all to Him I owe”.

It was in that moment that I wanted nothing more than to be right there.  Tears welling up in my eyes as I saw this precious young girl worshiping wholeheartedly.  I felt the pang of regret for my lack of enthusiasm this morning.

It’s moments like this that remind me of just how important every experience is that we create at Cross Point. You never know when someone may have a moving moment of worship.  You never know when someone’s life will be impacted.

Pete‘s message today was “God is Faithful”.

I felt His faithfulness today.  His faithfulness to remind me that even on my worst days, He is still faithful.  He is still working.  He is still there.  When I feel nothing, it doesn’t mean that He’s absent.

This is Our God – Faithful!

How has God reminded you lately that He is faithful?

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  • Miranda October 31, 2010  

    We were reading each others blogs at the same time. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your heart and being vulnerable. I love those moments when we see God's faithfulness and love in the little things and when we least expect it!

  • Charissa Steyn November 1, 2010  

    I’ve so felt this same way before…God is showing me His faithfulness so much lately. He will come through for me even when I cannot even see or imagine how, He always has something planned!!! He pursues us constantly!

  • AymieJoi November 1, 2010  

    I just posted the other day about how God has proved his faithfulness to me. Even while I've been whining about how He never does anything for me, He was still working at proving to me that I'm wrong.

  • Kevin November 1, 2010  

    Thanks for sharing and being REAL with us. I did not pick up on that yesterday while you were at our campus. He is so FAITHFUL even when we are not as faithful to Him. My dad always told me to not live by my feelings, but sometimes it is so hard not to. Thanks for sharing. Glad you were able to Worship!

  • Bianca_Juarez November 1, 2010  

    I've been there before. Thank you for posting your authentic feeling, Jenni! I love it.