Catron House Wars – Birthday Parties
**I have to interrupt this December of Giving for a quick episode of Catron House Wars.
Birthday Parties!
We’ve been married for almost 12 years and this battle still surprises me.
I think they are essential.
He wants to run and hide.
Yesterday we celebrated Merlyn’s birthday. And when I say celebrated I use that term very loosely. I suggest parties, dinners out, cake, balloons… anything festive.
What does he want?
A quiet night at home with a simple dinner.
Seriously? Yep. I did manage to put a party hat on the dog and put a single candle in the blueberry pie I bought from Trader Joe’s.
I guess I’m thankful that he just wants to hang out with me. 🙂
How about your family? To party or not to party?
in Other
Ha! Merlyn must have been traumatized from his very first birthday. His parents and grandparents gathered around his high chair with his cake and sang “Happy birthday” and he looked crushed and cried his little eyes out. We must have sounded/looked pretty bad! He’s never like any “fuss” since then. Love Mickey’s hat!
I think you’ve told me that story before. I wish you had video 🙂
That is awesome!! Love the party hat on Mickey!! This man his priorities right! Birthday present…quality time with you!!!
Yes, I should be grateful!!
Sounds like our house. My wife is a party hamster. I like things to be quiet and subdued. Blueberry pie at home is just my speed. Happy birthday, Merlyn!
“party hamster” – that’s hilarious! What is it with you guys??
Party. Definitely party. I’m not so sure the party would be for the pet, since we have none. But we’d find a reason to party. 🙂