Sunday Highlights – Paris Style

It’s always a bit unusual to be away from home on a Sunday.  I love Cross Point so much that it’s hard to find another place of worship that inspires me more.

I guess that is a good thing, right?

A couple of weeks before our trip I recalled that Hillsong had a Paris location so I eagerly looked it up and made plans for us to attend this morning.  This was actually my first experience at a Hillsong Church service.  I’ve been to Hillsong United concerts but I was so excited to worship with them on a Sunday morning.

Fortunately, their service at Hillsong Paris is bilingual so I was able to keep up.  The passion and energy in that place was unbelievable!  Pastor Brendan and his team are doing an amazing job!  The place was packed.  The congregation was singing out and worshiping with abandon.

I recently read that only 5% of Parisians are Christian.  I can’t remember the source so I’m not sure if that is the most accurate statistic, but even if it’s close to true, it makes the work Hillsong is doing here so important.  In today’s service alone several people gave their life to Christ!

Most of the worship were recognizable songs sung in French, however the last song we sang was:

“My heart will sing no other name than Jesus, Jesus”

It was a beautiful moment singing that unifying anthem out together.

As I listened, watched and observed (as every good church leader does when you go to another church 🙂 ), I was so compelled to pray for Hillsong and all the other church leaders around the world who are making significant impact for the Kingdom in their churches every Sunday.  May they never be discouraged!

Experiences like this remind me how vast God’s Kingdom is.  He is doing His work around this world and I’m privileged to be small part!

Have you ever worshiped in another country?  What was your experience like?

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  • Deb. April 3, 2011  

    I’ve just moved from Paris to Niger (west Africa). Hillsong, Paris is definitely full of energy!

    In my own experience, worshiping in a different country allows us to see and experience God in a new way! He has raised up His Church within the context of culture and worshiping outside of one’s own context is fun and exciting . . . at the beginning. There comes a point in the process, however, that communicating with the Lord outside of your heart language is a struggle and can be isolating and discouraging. The good news is, stick with it long enough and your heart takes on a second (or sometimes third) culture! Can’t wait for Heaven when we will all worship together with Jesus, in person, in His heart language!

  • Sherie April 4, 2011  

    I love what Deb said. I lived in Australia and Malaysia for a time and worshipped there. It was good and eye opening, but I never found places that resonated as home. I learned that there are a variety of churches with different styles in every culture. The most amazing experience I had was a charismatic Catholic church in Malaysia. The first part was traditional with prayers, rosary, and a teaching. We then took a break and they removed all the chairs so people could worship freely if they desired (but you didn’t feel uncomfortable if that wasn’t your style).

    Years later I have struggled to find a church that provides the mix of worship, fellowship, and teaching that I truly desire. Part of that is because I live in a part of the country with such low church attendance. Through that I have learned that while I do have a heart language where I function the best, I can learn and grow anywhere if I have an open heart. I am also incredibly thankful to live in a time where I can access great teaching from other churches even if I don’t live in that community. God has created a family and I am so blessed by those in other parts of this amazing world!

  • Sam April 6, 2011  

    I have been to Cross Point and loved it. I hope one day soon to visit Hillsong NYC. It is an honor to serve the same savior and fight for the same things. You guys are a blessing and inspiration.

    Thank you.