Do You Want to be Exposed?
We all want to be known.
We strive for connection, making a mark, gathering facebook friends, twitter followers and blog subscribers. We look for ways to be seen and to be heard.
But oftentimes what we don’t account for is being exposed.
Once you are known, you are bound to be exposed. You can’t be known – famous if you will – and not have your demons uncovered… our at least have someone digging around in your life trying to find some.
With more influence comes more exposure.
Recently another organization in town was “exposed” in our local newspaper for some alleged misconduct. I really don’t know if all of the allegations are true or not and that’s not really the point of me bringing it up. The point is that our influence has consequences and the greater our influence, the greater the scrutiny, the accountability and the consequences of our actions.
As a leader or an influencer… or someone who wants to be known, this scripture should keep you up at night:
For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. Luke 12:48
Are you really ready for that?
I know it seems all glamorous to be known, but are you really weighing the responsibility?
Perhaps the more appropriate question is not, “Do you want to be known?”, but…
“Do you want to be exposed?”
so dang challenging.
Great thoughts Jenni.