
I have no coherent thoughts today.  It’s all kind of a jumbled mess of quiet, tired, restful, restless, anticipatory and grateful.

Quiet after a full weekend of Easter services and celebration.

Tired from the same.

Restful from a good night’s sleep and no alarm clock to wake me up… unless you count the dog who I think assumed I missed my alarm clock and was panicked for me that I was late for something.

Restless because there are so many things swimming in my mind that need attention now that the madness of Easter is other.

Anticipatory for what lies ahead… I’m headed to Women of Faith in Las Vegas this weekend and then Whiteboard, Catalyst Dallas and DC11 are just a couple of weeks away.

Grateful for time to collect all these converging thoughts, to process an amazing weekend and plan for what lies ahead.

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  • missional girl April 25, 2011  

    Girl, you need to go to bed, lol.

    Seriously, I’m so glad that God is using you to touch so many lives!

  • Sarah April 26, 2011  

    Blessings on your travels, girl. I know that drill. =)