Global Leadership Summit – Seth Godin
Bestselling Author; Squidoo Founder;
Renowned Marketing Blogger
New York, New York
With a #1 marketing blog, top 100 website Squidoo and twelve bestselling books (including The Purple Cow, Tribes, and latest release, Linchpin), marketing guru Seth Godin is one of the most imaginative free-thinkers in the world today. He makes a career out of perpetually re-inventing himself and his businesses—spreading powerful ideas and delivering something remarkable every day. Godin believes you can be remarkable too. He creates disequilibrium that pushes you to get grounded in what you believe, while firing up your creative prowess to face head-on the roadblocks in your ministry, work and life. Godin is contagious. Spend time with him and shake your brain.
Session Notes: Poke the Box
Someone watching this today is going to change everything.
We’ve branded ourselves to death.
Revolutions destroy the perfect and enable the impossible.
We’re experiencing the death of the industrial age and it’s being replaced by a new age of tribes.
We still want what everyone wants – to be in sync. We want to do what other people, our people, are doing.
These tribes need leaders.
The system of following the rules/mass production has infiltrated our churches.
We’ve created a culture that teaches people to fit in.
We have a choice in the post-industrial age to change some of these things.
There is no map for being an artist.
Competence is no longer sufficient to get a job.
Don’t wait to be picked. Pick yourself. If you want to write, write.
If you believe failure is not an option, then neither is success.
We are constantly looking for a reason not to do our art… a reason not to put it on the line.
If it’s worth doing, what exactly are you waiting for?
The world is begging for you to lead them!
Great notes – love “Don’t wait to be picked. Pick yourself.” That’s fantastic.
totally wish I was there for that session. Sounds so good.
You took my notes 🙂 That was a great session, we watched live in Columbia SC. My First WC Summit, it’s amazing.