Global Leadership Summit – John Dickson

John Dickson

Director, Centre for Public Christianity
Sr. Minister, St. Andrews Anglican Church
Sydney, Australia

Are prestigious titles and powerful positions prerequisites for impactful leadership? “You don’t need structural authority to be a leader of influence,” according to historian and social commentator John Dickson. “The leader’s strongest tool is humility,” he says. “It intensifies credibility.” Dickson, the author of Humilitas: A Lost Key to Life, Love, and Leadership (May 2011), investigates the crucial role humility plays in a leader’s life—and its theological, historical, and practical implications. Dickson issues this challenge: Navigate the complex intersection of leadership and humility, and learn to lead through persuasion, example, and influence rather than positional authority. Dickson offers practices to help you cultivate deeper authentic humility on your team—and in your soul.


I wasn’t able to listen to this entire talk so I didn’t get great notes, however what I heard was really amazing.  Go check out what my other blogging buddies captured:

Tim Schraeder

Justin Wise

Matt Perman

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