Be An Aibileen
I too am one of the millions that has either read the book or watched the newly released movie, The Help.
There are a myriad of reasons that people are captivated by this story, but for me there is one relationship that brings me to tears every time…
It’s the beautiful connection between Aibileen, the house maid, and Mae Mobley the little white girl that she is entrusted to care for.
You is kind.
You is smart.
You is important.
How much do we need to hear those words?
Who was the Aibileen in you life?
Who was the person who looked you deep in the eyes and affirmed all the God-given wonderful things about you?
I hope you had an Aibileen.
And even more I hope you are an Aibileen for someone else.
As leaders, it’s your job to help people believe in themselves. They need you to look them deep in the eyes and remind them that:
You is kind.
You is smart.
You is important.
They need you every day. They need your reassurance. They need your belief more than anything else you can give them.
Who will you be an Aibileen to?
great post. i was so moved by that in the movie … i’ve begun to tell my daughter the same (in my own words) every day.
I love that you do this with your daughter!
So true. It reminds me of the concept of three people we all need in our lives. One who leads us. One who we lead and one to share the journey. I haven’t seen the movie yet but was going to “take one for the team” and go see it with Heather 🙂 . I have a feeling I won’t be sorry I did.
You guys will love the movie. I bet you’ll shed a tear 🙂
Precious clip. This is a great illustration of leadership and mentorship that goes beyond and shows innocence and purity–tearing down walls of pride, status, and anything political that tends to distract us. I have had very few moments with Aibileen’s, but they have been vital to my growth and development which in turn, has made me be intentional in the influence that I have. Thanks for sharing Jenni. Such a sweet reminder.
Beautiful thoughts! Thank you for sharing.