Do You Know How to Grow?
It wasn’t too long after I began working in ministry full-time that I got a startling question from a Cross Point attendee. As we were walking out of the service, she stopped me in the back of the auditorium and with great sincerity asked me where she could purchase a Bible.
I was a little taken aback but quickly tried to answer her question…
“Well, Lifeway is just down the street. That’s probably the closest.”
“What’s Lifeway?”
What’s Lifeway? Are you kidding me? Everyone in Nashville knows about LifeWay… for goodness sake a massive cross juts out from their building in downtown Nashville as a beacon for the entire city.
Don’t worry… I didn’t say any of that out loud. Instead I took a moment to help her get a Bible and then began to process what was a very eye-opening moment for the professional Christian I had become.
It was foreign to me to not have a Bible or not know where to find one. My family became Christians and starting attending church regularly when I was eight years old, so I pretty much don’t remember life without access to Bibles, devotionals and Gaither Homecoming videos.
I’ve had Christian products at my figure tips pretty much my entire life.
But that’s not true for everyone. In fact, it’s not true for most of the people we’re called to reach.
That’s why I’m so grateful we’ve been doing this series called “Shaped” where we’re talking about spiritual disciplines and giving people access to tools to help them grow in their walk with God. We’ve partnered with Monvee to help people assess the way they best connect with God and then give them resources to help them do that.
I love the spiritual discussions I’m hearing take place as people are diving into this with us. I think it’s easy to take for granted when you’ve been a Christian the majority of your life how life-giving some simple direction can be when it comes to knowing how to grow in your faith.
What resources have been instrumental in helping you grow in your walk with God?