“Success is obedience to God, not results we can measure.”
“When we obey God, we find great comfort in leaving the consequences up to Him.”
I’ve been studying Beth Moore’s Paul: 90 Days on His Journey of Faith. I am so fascinated by the life of Paul. There is just so much of his ministry lifestyle that parallels my role at Cross Point – he travels from city to city, church to church, encouraging and admonishing believers. On a much smaller scale that is what I do in helping to lead our Cross Point campuses.
But then there is so much about my story that doesn’t even come close to Paul’s.
False accusations.
Paul faced it all.
I might think I have it tough some days, but ministry for me – for most of us- is a breeze compared to what Paul endured. And yet the confident assurance he displayed messes with me.
Why did he keep doing it? Why didn’t he give in to tiredness and despair? Why didn’t he walk away and go back to an easier lifestyle?
The best answer that I can find is OBEDIENCE.
I go back to those quotes from Beth’s book…
“Success is obedience to God, not results we can measure.”
“When we obey God, we find great comfort in leaving the consequences up to Him.”
Paul’s purpose and calling wasn’t for his own good. He did what he did out of obedience. What other reason did he have, really?
What’s my reason for doing what I do?
What’s yours?
I long for the day that it’s simply all about obedience!
Lovely post. It can be so complicated, but it really shouldn’t be. I’m going to share this post with others! Thanks Jenni!