Born to Fly: Guest Post by Becky Alexander
Today’s guest post is from a fellow female XP, Becky Alexander. Becky serves at what we affectionately refer to as “the other Crosspoint”. 🙂 You’ll enjoy her post And don’t forget to follow her on twitter too!
Born to Fly
A song on my iPod asks the question, “How can you keep your feet on the ground when you know that you were born to fly?” Wow. I get that.
- Being born to fly is the realization that things are status quo and status quo is not what you’re called to.
- Being born to fly is the knowledge that something more impactful needs to happen and you are supposed to be a part of bringing it about.
- Being born to fly is the awareness that one person with courage and drive can accomplish great things.
- Being born to fly is a restlessness inside, suspecting that God is about to make some changes in your life.
- Being born to fly is being an adventurer, willing to take risks and anxious to try new experiences.
- Being born to fly is always having a goal in front of you. And not just a “mountain peak” goal, but an “over the top of the peak” goal.
- Being born to fly is dreaming big, loud, and in bright colors.
- Being born to fly is allowing set-backs and obstacles to frustrate you only for a short time and then pushing ahead with whatever level of determination is necessary.
- Being born to fly is being easily inspired.
- Being born to fly is living life with energy, lots of energy.
I think maybe, just maybe, I was born to fly. Were you? Give yourself a score based on how many statements apply to you.
- 6-10 Born to fly
- 3-5 One wing in the nest and one wing in the air
- 1-2 Roosting
We refer to you guys as our Nashville campus! Haha!
Dave Anderson
Lead Pastor “the other Crosspoint”