Church Staff Christmas Fun

The festivities at Christmas time bring my heart so much joy.  I look forward to the numerous parties and special events that take place all month long.

Some of my favorites are the things we do together as a staff to celebrate the season.  For church staff, Christmas is crazy busy but we do our best to find some time for fun and frivolity among the chaos.

I thought I would share with you some of our favorites…

1) The “Dirty Santa” gift exchange – you know, the one where the whole premiss is to steal gifts from others? 🙂   This game works best when you play it with a group of people you know well and no one is too timid to fight for what they want.  Our team has that down pat!  Every year we look forward to some of the clever and creative things some of our staff will make.  We’ve had the Jarrod Morris calendar, the Plan B Game and this year the Campus Pastor action figures.

2) Christmas movie day.  Many years we’ve taken an afternoon to watch a classic Christmas movie together.  However, be sure you’ve seen the entire movie before watching it with your staff.  A movie you have seen on TBS, may have been edited for TV… I learned that the hard way with Christmas Vacation.  Stick with the TBS version my friends. 🙂

3) Serve Together.  Nearly every year we find some way to serve together.  This year we led the 12 Days of Serving initiative which was an amazing way to lead our entire church in serving and giving to others this Christmas season.

4) This year we’re adding a Christmas Tea.  Some of, shall we say, our more cultured staff will be treating our team to an assortment of teas, cookies and scones for a sophisticated afternoon break. 🙂

How do you and your staff celebrate the season together?


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