Friday Favorite Things

A few of my favorite things this week…

Storms – we get lots of them here in Tennessee during the Spring.  Generally I love them except for the times that I try to outrun them (literally).  My husband had to come to my rescue this week because I cut it too close and lightening was seemingly nipping at my heels!

Good news – I received some good news one day this week for a project that has been 9 months in development.  It’s amazing how that piece of good news shaped my entire perspective and attitude for the day.  (I know that’s probably an admission that I’m not living my One Word of contentment, but this was REALLY good news!)

The Hunger Games – can’t wait for the movie and I’m rereading the entire series.  There is just something wonderful about getting lost in a good book.  By the way, it’s pretty exciting that one of our very own Cross Point girls is in the movie as tribute for District 9!!

Preaching Rocket – several of our staff communicators joined together yesterday to watch the online conference Preach Better Sermons.  Great stuff!  If you’re a communicator, you should connect with what they are doing.  If you sign up right now, you can preview all their resources for$1! 

My niece – my sister, her husband and their sweet 5-month old baby girl are coming to stay the week with us!  I’m prepping and baby-proofing my house.  I don’t think I’ve ever had a baby in my house for an entire week… this will be interesting and lots of fun!

Have a great weekend everyone!

What was your favorite thing this week?



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  • Casey Graham April 5, 2012  

    Jenni, I just saw you posted about this. I really appreciate you talking about Preaching Rocket.  You have always been too good to us and we love you!