Happy Spring!
The backyard of the house I grew up in as a kid was lined with lilac bushes. Bush after bush of them in various shades of purple and white. They were lovely and magical to me. I suffered a few bee stings because I just couldn’t stay away from their beauty and fragrance. Pure delight!
Imagine my joy when I discovered a lovely lilac bush today! It was the perfect way to say Happy Spring to me!
On this beautiful Spring day enjoy the beauty of sunshine and flowers and new life blooming all around.
Breathe deep and take it all in!
What’s your favorite sign of Spring?
in Other
The wisteria blooming and citrus blossoms scenting our corner of town
Ooooh I wish we had more citrus year!
Cutting cherry blossoms for my wife’s birthday. I started that 28 years ago, cut some this year and surprised her.
What a wonderful tradition!
Dear Spring, while others may complain of your high temeratures, your tornado warnings, and smog-like haze of pollen that your arrival brings – my back yard welcomes you with open arms. Thank you for the beauty from the blossoms on the cherry tree viewed from our deck & kitchen window. Thank you for your warmth that allows me to relax after a stressful day on the hamock with my e-reader and iPod until sunset. Yes, Mr. Spring, sir, you will always be welcomed as a guest of honor at casa Sanchez!
Love that Jon!
I love the smell of cut grass and the sound of lawn mowers. Weird, I know.
I love that smell too!
My six year old brought me home a fistful of daffodils and violets she picked from someones front yard… 🙂 Melt my heart. They smelled so good.