Addressing the Other "Shades of Grey"

I’m guessing that many of you have heard of the New York Times bestselling book Fifty Shades of Grey that is is causing quite a stir.  Being pretty buried in several projects for the last few months I have missed a great deal of the media hype on this book, so imagine my surprise when I learned the popularity of this erotic fiction series that shares the same name as my blog!

I’ve caught myself talking about my shades of grey leadership concept a little more sheepishly.

So I’m kind of in a conundrum… you could say a shade of grey… trying to determine if I should shy away from the shades of grey language until this book series hype is over or confidently and boldly keep talking about my shades of grey.

What do you think?

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  • Amy June 6, 2012  

    I think you stick with the name of your blog!  It so appropriately applies to leading in ministry and if someone is searching for the book and they land on your blog it’s a bonus!  If they take a moment to check it out, they’ll see the light of Jesus shine through you and your words.  Golden opportunity to expose someone to the gospel. 

    If people in the Christian community question the name send them to your blog.  They’ll see how long you’ve been around, what you’re about….and what you’re not about.  They’ll quickly come to appreciate your ministry like I have! 

  • turner_bethany June 6, 2012  

    I think you should stick with it. To be honest I hadn’t put together that the two names were similar. It wouldn’t be a bad thing if people searching for the book came across your blog. 

  • laura anne June 6, 2012  

    keep boldly talking about your shades of grey! 🙂

  • Mindy Bowman June 6, 2012  

    I am whole-heartedly on the same bandwagon as Bethany and Amy. 🙂

  • Jenni Catron June 6, 2012  

    Thank you all so much for the kind encouragement!  You’re the best!

  • Mindy June 6, 2012  

    Keep the name and keep talking about your “shades of grey”! Hopefully someone will end up on your site and be changed for life !

  • Melissamfitzpatrick June 6, 2012  

    I personally think you should just stick with it. I don’t usually think of your blog as “Shades of Grey” at all (although I like the title a lot) but simply as Jenni Catron’s blog. Go with it girl! 

  • Jamer76 June 6, 2012  

    I say own it Jenni! You had first dibs on the name anyway right? I’m sure people had stumbled on your blog from a simple Google search and got something a little different than what they were looking for……;-)

  • P. June 6, 2012  

    I agree with Amy and Mindy.  This could be a blessing for someone if they do an online search for the book and land on your blog.

  • Fritz Barnes June 7, 2012  

    Like others, I am also tickled by the thought that people searching for the book might land here instead. 🙂

  • Mary Mcleary June 7, 2012  

    Well, you may find added traffic to your blog where something you say will refocus the visitor to Him.  You are definitely the polar opposite of soft porn.

  • Beth Harris June 7, 2012  

    Followers of Christ often concede ground claimed for Him to the world, especially in the arts and communications fields.   God gave you the vision for Shades of Gray for His glory.  Please keep!

  • Tracey solomon June 7, 2012  

    Go with it. 1) it’ll piqué interest. 2)it’s relevant. The term has been around way longer than the books/ and will outlast them.

    I wouldn’t change a Plan that’s enduring as a response to something that will be media irrelevant in 6 months. ( my assessment- the books are a flash bang)

    id break the tension with a “not those shades of grey” comment and move on.

  • Suzie Lind June 16, 2012  

    So funny… I was reading it about it recently too  as I was preparing to speak on the issue with our women’s Bible study… I thought about you and what you might be thinking of it.  I think you should stick with it because it may draw attention to your blog (which is way better) and also because I think this too shall pass.