The Golden Girls & Kelly Clarkson

This beautiful bunch of friends call ourselves “The Golden Girls”.

Their are plenty of similarities to our personalities and The Goldens from the 80’s sitcom but what’s really ‘golden’ about this bunch is the value of the friendship we’ve shared for 15 years.

3 marriages

3 children

2 amazing dogs (Mick & Buddy) and countless numbers of pugs that Shelby (aka Rose) has fostered.  (Seriously her heart is bigger than her house.) 

A few cats

Several houses

A season where Susannah (aka Sophia) moved to Greenville, SC

Several beach trips

A few quiet escapes to the mountain

The Bell Buckle Craft Fair (EPIC!)

Numerous trips lugging crap that Rachel (aka Blanche) collects at the flea market

Long nights of talks, walks, Scrabble games and specialty drinks

Many many meals and endless laughs.

This time it was The Golden Girls & Kelly Clarkson

Do you have a sacred group of friends to do life with?

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  • Laurie Mackay September 16, 2012  

    I do. Sadly it’s changed over time! But I have a lovely bunch of friends and despite me being single and a little bit younger we’ve holidayed, lunched and lived through good and bad times together over the last 5 years. I love them to bits and feel so blessed to have them in my life.

  • turner_bethany September 17, 2012  

    When I was in college, my close group of friends were the Wives. It was me, my roommate, and the two girls who lived across the hall from us. We did everything together – dinners, movies, RockBand, even played in snow. The details to how we became the Wives alludes me, but the 4 of us sure had a lot of fun together. Unfortunately we don’t live close to each other any more, but when my husband and I go back to visit I usually get together with them.   

    • Jenni Catron September 17, 2012  

      Love that you have such a group of friends!

  • Melissa Hatfield September 17, 2012  

    I have a group of girlfriends that call ourselves the iTRY Club. We brainstormed things we wanted to try (all the way from making Mentos bombs to international trips) and put them in a decorated box. Every month we draw from the box to see what we do next. The only rule is that we all have to try! 🙂 we also hang out outside of these things – doing lunch, walking, etc. It is a great group of ladies to do life with!