It’s Time to Change the Game
I was recently writing about the sin of comparison and how much destruction it does to our hearts.
Of course I’ve compared nearly everything about me to someone else at some point in my life, but it seems that our greatest catalyst for comparison these days is social media.
Social media has taken our comparison and competition to a whole new level. Not only are we comparing ourselves to the people in our direct sphere of influence but now we have a tool by which we can compare ourselves with everyone around the world!
It’s our newest vice and most alluring distraction.
But I think it’s time to change the game.
Rather than use social media for comparison, we ought to be using it for championing others.
When you find yourself caught up in comparison and a self-inflicted pity-party while engaging social media, either turn it off or change the game.
Change the game by engaging social media for the purpose of championing what others are doing and encouraging them. Make social media about them instead of about you.
“Hate the game, not the player”
Change the game, don’t let the game change you!
Thank you for this challenge, Jenni! Love reading your blog and watching what all is going on at Cross Point.
Well put Jenni!
I LOVE this! So true! I think social media can be one of the best things that ever happened to the church and love what it does for my ministry. BUT, all, too often, I find myself getting caught up in the comparison trap and I’ve had friends completely quit the social media scene because of it.