Being a Catalyst Leader
I knew I would love Brad Lomenick‘s new book, The Catalyst Leader, because I’ve loved Catalyst since the day I attended an event. These are my people. This is my tribe.
Now that I’ve actually finished reading the entire thing, I thought I would share some of my favorite quotes and reminders from it:
Ambition must be grounded in wisdom. Inspiration must be pursued with integrity. Dreams must be built with boundaries. And passions need the steady hand of principles to guide them.
Living one’s calling is a necessary first step to leading well and becoming a change maker wherever God has planted you.
If we don’t learn to be content with who God has made us and called us to be, then we will never reach our potential as influencers.
If we believe we are called by God to the work we do, then we bear the responsibility of doing this work with an unrivaled standard of excellence.
Every great organization has a few areas where their standards are so high it’s annoying. This is a good thing. Set standards that scare you, and work to achieve them.
Your calling is crippled without courage. Courage moves us from ideals to action, from potential to actuality. Courageous leaders are working in their sweet spot but may be outside their comfort zones.
We can’t live and lead in a state of fear and inactivity.
Leaders are defined by their inner strengths and convictions, not the outer portrayal of who they are. Your character will determine your level of leadership and even your legacy.
Humble yourself enough to focus on others.
Demand perfection from yourself before anyone else ever demands it of you.
When we are spiritually disciplined, we are often more vocationally effective.
Leaders are dealers of hope, and we must give it way constantly and without bias.
A leader lives in the tension of the now and the next.
Cultivate leaders who create possibilities rather than make excuses.
The more influence you have, the more intentional you have to be about giving it away.
This book would be a great resource to read with your entire team. I encourage you to check it out.
And… be sure to join us for Catalyst Atlanta October 2-4!
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